Christopher Strange, Witch Doctor - Presenting unique and original psychological illusions, hypnotic influence, and turning imagination into reality. Christopher has studied the mysterious and bizarre for decades and now brings that knowledge onto the stage. Using modern science and psychology he shows how ancient cultures may have achieved the feats we now think are pure fantasy and legend.
This show is intimate and profound. Christopher explores the connections we form and the energy between us all. Using skills he has honed for years he will reach into your mind and gently pluck willing thoughts out to reveal. He will show you the connections you didn't realize you could create instantly. He will read your mind and your body and display the possibilities of the human condition.
Most importantly, he will leave the audience with stories they will tell for the rest of their lives!
Contact Christopher right away to learn how he can create a bespoke experience for your guests today.
See Christopher’s PechaKucha presentation for York Crafted 14: